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Type-Three Persona: Competitor, Explorer, Joker

Favourite play activities include:

  • Practical jokes Tricking people Experimentation Trying new amusements

A Revolutionary is a Type-Three Play Persona, combining Competitor, Explorer and Joker. A Revolutionary loves the new and different. Always on the lookout for a different way of doing or seeing things, they highlight what's wrong and have a laugh when doing so. Driven by competition as well, they like to set themselves up in opposition to others, so they find getting a good one over on someone in a novel way the best of fun!

Reflects traits of type-two personas:


Type-Two Persona: Competitor, Explorer

Favourite play activities include:

  • Adventure holidays Expeditions Travel to unusual places Seeing how far they can push themselves Extreme climbing

A Trail-Blazer is a Type-Two Play Persona, combining Competitor and Explorer. A Trail-Blazer sets out into the jungle, the wild west, the oceans, before anybody else, fuelled by a competitive sense of going where nobody has gone before. They may seem completely 'out there', but follow the Trail-Blazer, because where they go, the rest of humanity could (one day) follow. You may need to rein in a Trail-Blazer... or make the choice to follow them and see where they might lead!


Type-Two Persona: Competitor, Joker

Favourite play activities include:

  • Competitive practical-joking Writing status-quo challenging invective Challenging dry or boring ways of viewing the world

A Satirist is a Type-Two Play Persona, combining Competitor and Joker. A Satirist loves to question, and push back against those that see the world in one particular way. Happy to engage in a lively debate, the Satirist uses wit to challenge standard views. They may be the one staging the biggest, best practical joke, and can be fun to have around. Sometimes they need to reel it in, and Satirists can occasion go to far - a tendency they should try to be aware of, without letting go of their innate power and charm.


Type-Two Persona: Explorer, Joker

Favourite play activities include:

  • Trying new things Finger-painting Random craft classes Science experiments Cooking new recipes Inventing new recipes

An Experimenter is a Type-Two Play Persona, combining Explorer and Joker. For an Experimenter play is about having a go, seeing what happens, and enjoying the consequences no matter what unfolds. They're the ones who dive right in when there's paint to be put to canvas, and delight as much as the murky messes as the grand masters. They love the new, but also the old turned upside-down and seen afresh. An Experimenter is great to have around for their ability to really test a different approach, and happy demeanour in both success and failure.

Combines traits of basic, type-one personas:


Type-One Persona: Competitor

Favourite play activities include:

  • Sports Gambling Play-fighting Expeditions

A Competitor is a basic, Type-One Play Persona. Motivated by an urge to do one better - often than themselves rather than other - a competitor enjoys all forms of competition. For a pure competitor, nothing is more important than winning a game or challenge - and they can get frustrated when others don't seem to be taking it seriously. A competitor is a great person to have on your side, and you can be certain they'll go the extra mile to ensure your team wins.


Type-One Persona: Explorer

Favourite play activities include:

  • Treasure-hunts Travel Trying new cuisines

An Explorer is a basic, single-type Play Persona. Motivated by a sense of adventure, an explorer likes to discover new things. That could be new music, always looking for the latest (though not necessarily the greatest) band. They often love travel - and the more unusual and different from their normal experience the better.


Type-One Persona: Joker

Favourite play activities include:

  • Comedy Practical jokes Puns Play-acting Surreal play Colour runs

A Joker is a basic, Type-One Play Persona. A joker loves to muck around, and frequently resists rules and constraints. They'll be the one who relishes chaos and the unexpected. They can be difficult to have around if you're a stickler for rules - but they can probably teach you a thing or two about letting go of your preconceived ideas of how play should unfold, and encourage you to go with the flow!

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