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Interested in these Play Personas? Why not take the test and find out what your Play Persona is – it takes less than 5 minutes!

Type-Three Persona: Director, Joker, Kinesthete
Favourite play activities include:
- Playing with fire Demolition Jenga Building shelters Sleeping under the stars
An Arsonist is a Type-Three Play Persona, combining Director, Joker and Kinesthete. If you love tearing down walls, possibly metaphorically but also very much literally, you could be an Arsonist. They love to help others make a bit of physical mischief, and see 'No entry' signs as an invitation to go in. On occasion Arsonists can come across as extreme and abrasive, but you should be glad of their instinct to put their bodies into the action and stand up for their belief that we shouldn't simply accept the world how it is.
Reflects traits of type-two personas:

Type-Two Persona: Director, Joker
Favourite play activities include:
- Practical jokes Questioning standard ways of doing things Setting up challenging situations (in a friendly way)
A Prankster is a Type-Two Play Persona, combining Director and Joker. A Prankster is a natural practical joker - driven to lead others in merriment. For a Prankster having control of a situation is, in fact, an invitation to chaos. They love to see what will unfold when people are placed in a position that challenges their standard approaches to life - but always in a friendly way, with a smile. Life is never quiet or steady with a Prankster around, but nor is it boring.

Type-Two Persona: Director, Kinesthete
Favourite play activities include:
- Choreography Setting up physical sports Leading hikes Coaching sports teams or individuals
A Choreographer is a Type-Two Play Persona, combining Director and Kinesthete. A Choreographer likes to lead others in movement - dance, sport, martial arts, etc. Their drive to provide these opportunities is driven by their love of movement - rather than, say, a desire to compete or see others do so. Choreographers make great coaches, but they must make sure they get to experience movement themselves, rather than just enabling it for others.

Type-Two Persona: Joker, Kinesthete
Favourite play activities include:
- Clowning Subverting the uses of physical objects Tumbling Practical joking Messing around
A Clown is a Type-Two Play Persona, combining Joker and Kinesthete. Watch the Clown as they tumble, because they can be the most blessed of play personas, as everywhere is a playground for them. A chair is, for a Clown, a prop for gymnastics, a boat to sail upon, an opportunity for slapstick. They love the physical, especially where the world around them is ripe for mirth and happenstance. Clowns love their connection to the earth beneath their feet, but wear gravity lightly, as if able to shake it off at a moment's notice.
Combines traits of basic, type-one personas:

Type-One Persona: Director
Favourite play activities include:
- Refereeing Conducting music Directing theatre Directing films Dungeon-master
A Director is a basic, single-type Play Persona. A director loves to be in charge, and are frequently natural-born leaders. While on occasion they can tip over into being controlling, a director is a great person to have around. They'll be the one who wants to organise play activities, set up friends to meet one another, and loves to be able to sit back and watch their plan come together.

Type-One Persona: Joker
Favourite play activities include:
- Comedy Practical jokes Puns Play-acting Surreal play Colour runs
A Joker is a basic, Type-One Play Persona. A joker loves to muck around, and frequently resists rules and constraints. They'll be the one who relishes chaos and the unexpected. They can be difficult to have around if you're a stickler for rules - but they can probably teach you a thing or two about letting go of your preconceived ideas of how play should unfold, and encourage you to go with the flow!

Type-One Persona: Kinesthete
Favourite play activities include:
- Trampolining Running Tumbling Yoga
A Kinesthete is a basic, Type-One Play Persona. A kinesthete loves to move. Never happier than when their attention is on their body, they enjoy any physical activity that gets the blood pumping. Kinesthetes may enjoy sports for the experience more than the competition - and simply want to take movement to its furthest possible extent.