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Type-Two Persona: Joker, Storyteller
Favourite play activities include:
- Telling jokes Shaggy dog stories Witty banter Fancy-dress parties Jigsaws
A Comedian is a Type-Two Play Persona, combining Joker and Storyteller. Just as you'd expect, a Comedian is a great person to have around. Witty and eager to share, they're frequently the life of the party. Beware, though, of underestimating the Comedian - their levity might well hide a desire to share their truth about the world, and to question the status quo. If you're a Comedian remember to stop and check whether what you're saying really is just a bit of fun - or whether something much more serious lurks underneath the surface. Just don't tone down the funny - everyone loves it!
Combines traits of basic, type-one personas:

Type-One Persona: Joker
Favourite play activities include:
- Comedy Practical jokes Puns Play-acting Surreal play Colour runs
A Joker is a basic, Type-One Play Persona. A joker loves to muck around, and frequently resists rules and constraints. They'll be the one who relishes chaos and the unexpected. They can be difficult to have around if you're a stickler for rules - but they can probably teach you a thing or two about letting go of your preconceived ideas of how play should unfold, and encourage you to go with the flow!

Type-One Persona: Storyteller
Favourite play activities include:
- Writing Lecturing Sharing experiences Imagining Role-Playing
A Storyteller is a basic, Type-One Play Persona. Enjoying sharing their experience (though not necessarily using words) a storyteller often uses play to form memories as much as for the experience itself. They love to imagine - and to share the product of their imaginings with their fellow travellers. On occasion this can tend towards storytellers seeming a little distant from the action, but be reassured that this is just them storing up information to relate back later!