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Type-Three Persona: Collector, Explorer, Joker

Favourite play activities include:

  • Collecting unusual jokes Bringing together the exotic elements of humour Pulling together edgy chaos

A Humorist is a Type-Three Play Persona, combining Collector, Explorer and Joker. A Humorist will stop at nothing to find the funny. Whether that's collecting jokes - and sharing them with whoever will listen - or organising elaborate capers, you'll know one is around by the laughter when they're nearby. Not that it will necessarily be raucous laughter - it might be the nervous laugh of someone on the edge of sanity. Often, however, the Humorist will bring together all the elements for chaos and joy and hilarity, and you'll be amazed at the lengths they've gone to to bring out the irreverent.

Reflects traits of type-two personas:


Type-Two Persona: Collector, Explorer

Favourite play activities include:

  • Geo-caching Searching for antiques Flea-market scouring Exotic collecting Visiting unusual places, to tick them off

A Treasure-Hunter is a Type-Two Play Persona, combining Collector and Explorer. Ah, the Treasure-Hunter! Most glamorous of play personas! And yet, those who don't follow this calling rarely realise how much hard work goes into it. Extensive research and - yes - much disappointment comes before something is to be found. It is also to be remembered that what counts as treasure for some may be junk for others. A Treasure-Hunter values their collection for itself, not for monetary worth, though frequently rarity plays some part. They also may enjoy travelling to far-flung reaches, as much to tick them off as for the place itself. But the sense of adventure that Treasure-Hunters exude is certainly real!


Type-Two Persona: Collector, Joker

Favourite play activities include:

  • Telling jokes Surreal play Collecting strange items Subtle satire

A Jester is a Type-Two Play Persona, combining Collector and Joker. A Jester is a funny person to have around. They tend to store up jokes and deploy them with regularity. But remember, the Jester has a hidden knack of speaking truth to power, always with a cheeky smile. Jesters might also have quirky habits - collecting an odd category of item, for example. There's probably some method to their madness, but good luck unpicking it!


Type-Two Persona: Explorer, Joker

Favourite play activities include:

  • Trying new things Finger-painting Random craft classes Science experiments Cooking new recipes Inventing new recipes

An Experimenter is a Type-Two Play Persona, combining Explorer and Joker. For an Experimenter play is about having a go, seeing what happens, and enjoying the consequences no matter what unfolds. They're the ones who dive right in when there's paint to be put to canvas, and delight as much as the murky messes as the grand masters. They love the new, but also the old turned upside-down and seen afresh. An Experimenter is great to have around for their ability to really test a different approach, and happy demeanour in both success and failure.

Combines traits of basic, type-one personas:


Type-One Persona: Collector

Favourite play activities include:

  • Collecting (stamps, bottles, etc.) Visiting sets of places Organising, alphabetising, etc.

A Collector is a basic, type-one Play Persona. A collector, you'll be unsurprised to hear, enjoys collecting. This doesn't necessarily mean physical objects, but could just as easily be experiences. Collectors like to set themselves challenges, and are frequently motivated as much by completeness (visiting every single restaurant in the top 100!) as by the experience itself. They may also like to do something on a daily basis, and are motivated by the need to maintain an unbroken chain.


Type-One Persona: Explorer

Favourite play activities include:

  • Treasure-hunts Travel Trying new cuisines

An Explorer is a basic, single-type Play Persona. Motivated by a sense of adventure, an explorer likes to discover new things. That could be new music, always looking for the latest (though not necessarily the greatest) band. They often love travel - and the more unusual and different from their normal experience the better.


Type-One Persona: Joker

Favourite play activities include:

  • Comedy Practical jokes Puns Play-acting Surreal play Colour runs

A Joker is a basic, Type-One Play Persona. A joker loves to muck around, and frequently resists rules and constraints. They'll be the one who relishes chaos and the unexpected. They can be difficult to have around if you're a stickler for rules - but they can probably teach you a thing or two about letting go of your preconceived ideas of how play should unfold, and encourage you to go with the flow!

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