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Type-Two Persona: Competitor, Director
Favourite play activities include:
- Setting up challenges Organising competitions Leading teams in, eg, paintball
A One-Upper is a Type-Two Play Persona, combining Competitor and Director. A One-Upper likes to do better than other people, and this can often be a very powerful drive. It shouldn't be assumed that this is in general directed towards negative ends - frequently One-Uppers use this urge to motivate them to contribute in positive, altruistic ways. They can, indeed, be controlling, but are often great leaders, never happy unless their whole team is delivering successfully, and are therefore great to have around (as long as their on your side!)
Combines traits of basic, type-one personas:

Type-One Persona: Competitor
Favourite play activities include:
- Sports Gambling Play-fighting Expeditions
A Competitor is a basic, Type-One Play Persona. Motivated by an urge to do one better - often than themselves rather than other - a competitor enjoys all forms of competition. For a pure competitor, nothing is more important than winning a game or challenge - and they can get frustrated when others don't seem to be taking it seriously. A competitor is a great person to have on your side, and you can be certain they'll go the extra mile to ensure your team wins.

Type-One Persona: Director
Favourite play activities include:
- Refereeing Conducting music Directing theatre Directing films Dungeon-master
A Director is a basic, single-type Play Persona. A director loves to be in charge, and are frequently natural-born leaders. While on occasion they can tip over into being controlling, a director is a great person to have around. They'll be the one who wants to organise play activities, set up friends to meet one another, and loves to be able to sit back and watch their plan come together.