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Type-Three Persona: Artist, Competitor, Kinesthete

Favourite play activities include:

  • Dance in front of audiences High-level, elegant sport Martial arts Extreme sports

A Performer is a Type-Three Play Persona, combining Artist, Competitor and Kinesthete. A Performer loves to be seen moving - and wants to do so better than anyone else around. They might aim to be top-notch dancers, or sports people with an emphasis on looking as well as playing well. They can hog the limelight - and are frequently larger-than-life - so there can be no getting away from their acts. They love to pick up accolades, so if you're around a Performer watch, enjoy, and let them know.

Reflects traits of type-two personas:


Type-Two Persona: Artist, Competitor

Favourite play activities include:

  • Poetry slams Art competitions Jenga Hack-a-thons

An Exhibitionist is a Type-Two Play Persona, combining Artist and Competitor. As the name suggests, an exhibitionist is a natural show-off. They like to create things and share them (loudly!) with the world. While this can, on occasion, be annoying, they are also the ones that work hard to ensure that creative endeavour is valued by the world at large. Exhibitionists often also enjoy competition of a creative nature - whether that be poetry slams or seeing who can produce the most valuable artwork.


Type-Two Persona: Artist, Kinesthete

Favourite play activities include:

  • Puppetry Dance Large-canvas painting Sculpture Collage

A Puppeteer is a Type-Two Play Persona, combining Artist and Kinesthete. A Puppeteer enjoys creating using their body and their own movement. They may enjoy physical art, dance, as well as sculpture and (of course) puppets. For a Puppeteer, movement is about commenting on the world, and, vice versa, understanding the world is about how we move through it. If you find it tough to understand what a Puppeteer is trying to say, have a go at putting yourself physically into the space they create - see the world from their perspective, and in their shoes.


Type-Two Persona: Competitor, Kinesthete

Favourite play activities include:

  • Catch Football Running Wrestling Play-fighting Swimming

An Athlete is a Type-Two Play Persona, combining Competitor and Kinesthete. An Athlete is your traditional sportsman or sportswoman, loving play as much for the opportunity to compete as to enjoy physical exercise. Often an Athlete doesn't care about the particular game at hand - they'll pick up a ball and kick it against the wall, wrestle with nearby friends, or run long distances against themselves or others. The attraction to competing and to movement is best kept in balance, so Athletes benefit from being encouraged to focus on both of these, rather than one to the expense of the other.

Combines traits of basic, type-one personas:


Type-One Persona: Artist

Favourite play activities include:

  • Colouring-in Drawing Doodling Visiting galleries Watching nature Choosing colours for painting rooms / wallpaper / furniture

An Artist is one of the basic, single-type Play Personas. He or she loves to observe or create beauty in the world. An artist derives pleasure from creating – whether that’s building a structure from just the right selection of Lego, or life-drawing in charcoal. If you’re an artist, you might also enjoy going to galleries, listening to music, or watching a gorgeous sunset.


Type-One Persona: Competitor

Favourite play activities include:

  • Sports Gambling Play-fighting Expeditions

A Competitor is a basic, Type-One Play Persona. Motivated by an urge to do one better - often than themselves rather than other - a competitor enjoys all forms of competition. For a pure competitor, nothing is more important than winning a game or challenge - and they can get frustrated when others don't seem to be taking it seriously. A competitor is a great person to have on your side, and you can be certain they'll go the extra mile to ensure your team wins.


Type-One Persona: Kinesthete

Favourite play activities include:

  • Trampolining Running Tumbling Yoga

A Kinesthete is a basic, Type-One Play Persona. A kinesthete loves to move. Never happier than when their attention is on their body, they enjoy any physical activity that gets the blood pumping. Kinesthetes may enjoy sports for the experience more than the competition - and simply want to take movement to its furthest possible extent.

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