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Type-Three Persona: Collector, Competitor, Kinesthete
Favourite play activities include:
- Multi-sports events Whatever physical activity is available Completing 'sets' - e.g. Three Peaks challenge
A Sportsman is a Type-Three Play Persona, combining Collector, Competitor and Kinesthete. A Sportsman is the active all-rounded, who love any form of exercise, competition or challenge. For the Sportsman it's not usually just about beating other people, nor about maintaining an unbroken chain of success, nor the joy of physical movement - but all three. They love every aspect of getting into a game, and are great people to have around because they really get into it!
Reflects traits of type-two personas:

Type-Two Persona: Collector, Competitor
Favourite play activities include:
- Gambling Collecting (particularly competitively) Regular activities - yoga, meditation, running, swimming etc.
A Bookie is a Type-Two Play Persona, combining Collector and Competitor. A Bookie is interested in competition not just for the sake of watching a good fight, but also to observe the patterns at play. They might know every statistic related to a sport, or aim to beat their friends to the biggest, most complete collection. A Bookie often persists at a daily practice - whether it's running or meditation - driven by a sense of doing better, and never breaking the chain. Watch out when betting against a Bookie - they'll know every relevant previous game that suggests who's going to win!

Type-Two Persona: Collector, Kinesthete
Favourite play activities include:
- Gymnastics Yoga Multiple sports Wide games Playground games
A Gymnast is a Type-Two Play Persona, combining Collector and Kinesthete. A Gymnast is flexible, enjoys movement, and always wanting to find new and different ones. Gymnasts frequently play any number of different sports, or other activities that get them using their body. They're the ones who try every different variety of yoga, always wanting to add new positions to their practice, or who love to play all the different positions in the football team.

Type-Two Persona: Competitor, Kinesthete
Favourite play activities include:
- Catch Football Running Wrestling Play-fighting Swimming
An Athlete is a Type-Two Play Persona, combining Competitor and Kinesthete. An Athlete is your traditional sportsman or sportswoman, loving play as much for the opportunity to compete as to enjoy physical exercise. Often an Athlete doesn't care about the particular game at hand - they'll pick up a ball and kick it against the wall, wrestle with nearby friends, or run long distances against themselves or others. The attraction to competing and to movement is best kept in balance, so Athletes benefit from being encouraged to focus on both of these, rather than one to the expense of the other.
Combines traits of basic, type-one personas:

Type-One Persona: Collector
Favourite play activities include:
- Collecting (stamps, bottles, etc.) Visiting sets of places Organising, alphabetising, etc.
A Collector is a basic, type-one Play Persona. A collector, you'll be unsurprised to hear, enjoys collecting. This doesn't necessarily mean physical objects, but could just as easily be experiences. Collectors like to set themselves challenges, and are frequently motivated as much by completeness (visiting every single restaurant in the top 100!) as by the experience itself. They may also like to do something on a daily basis, and are motivated by the need to maintain an unbroken chain.

Type-One Persona: Competitor
Favourite play activities include:
- Sports Gambling Play-fighting Expeditions
A Competitor is a basic, Type-One Play Persona. Motivated by an urge to do one better - often than themselves rather than other - a competitor enjoys all forms of competition. For a pure competitor, nothing is more important than winning a game or challenge - and they can get frustrated when others don't seem to be taking it seriously. A competitor is a great person to have on your side, and you can be certain they'll go the extra mile to ensure your team wins.

Type-One Persona: Kinesthete
Favourite play activities include:
- Trampolining Running Tumbling Yoga
A Kinesthete is a basic, Type-One Play Persona. A kinesthete loves to move. Never happier than when their attention is on their body, they enjoy any physical activity that gets the blood pumping. Kinesthetes may enjoy sports for the experience more than the competition - and simply want to take movement to its furthest possible extent.