From October 7th 2016 to January 14th 2017 I embarked on 100 Days of Play – an exploration of what play is and attempt to ‘find my own play’. I blogged each day, and here’s a round-up of all the play activities I undertook.
I wasn’t aiming for the most extreme play, but I certainly aimed to explore what the edges of what could be described as play might be. I’d love to hear your thoughts, below!
- Day 1: Game On! – Board games
- Day 2: Puzzle It Out – Crossword puzzles
- Day 3: Go crazy! – Crazy golf
- Day 4: Don’t get mad, get insight! – Play debate and film
- Day 5: Let’s read – Book group
- Day 6: No Nia miss – NIA dance technique
- Day 7: Take it for a spin – Roller-blading
- Day 8: Lost in Translation – Translation games
- Day 9: Larping around – Live Action Role Play
- Day 10: Not a church service – Sunday Assembly
- Day 11: Art Attack! – Collage
- Day 12: Contemplating Play – Play lecture
- Day 13: In the Eye of the Storm – Immersive artwork
- Day 14: Play in Motion – Motion-capture technique
- Day 15: Drawing Life – Life drawing
- Day 16: Let’s Rock! – Going to a rock concert
- Day 17: Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside… – Going to the seaside
- Day 18: Stay Awesome! – Fun workout
- Day 19: Folding for fun – Origami
- Day 20: Marble madness – Marble-run
- Day 21: For whom the bell tolls – Bell-ringing
- Day 22: Cold bathing – Wild swimming
- Day 23: Celebrating a life-event with ritual – Wedding
- Day 24: Down the literary rabbit-hole – Reading
- Day 25: Bricking it about sustainability – Lego serious play

- Day 26: Playing for the environment – Sustainability games
- Day 27: Playing with my body – Yoga
- Day 28: Busy, busy bees – Networking games
- Day 29: Hunting for ‘shrooms – Mushroom-hunting
- Day 30: A penny for the guy – Fireworks
- Day 31: Watching the gogglebox, endlessly – Binge-watching
- Day 32: Play to Death – Movement play
- Day 33: Making light of a serious topic – Hosting an election party
- Day 34: Saxing it up! – Playing the saxophone
- Day 35: Making an Utterly Butterly Ukulele! – Making a musical instrument
- Day 36: Sell, sell, sell! – Running a market-stall
- Day 37: Party, party, party – Going to a party
- Day 38: Getting lost in mobile games – Mobile gaming
- Day 39: By the light of the supermoon – Nighttime walking
- Day 40: Do before you die – Goal-setting through play
- Day 41: From dance till dawn – Dancing
- Day 42: Poetic justice – composing Haiku – Composing poetry
- Day 43: Movie magic – Going to the cinema
- Day 44: Humongous hungriest hippos – Human-sized hungry hippos
- Day 45: Cooking up a cookie storm – Making cookies
- Day 46: A writing salon with added play – Play-themed writing group
- Day 47: Into the woods to meditate – Meditation in nature
- Day 48: A night at the Mystery Masquerade – Mask-making and other fun
- Day 49: Like a kid in a toyshop – Exploring a toyshop
- Day 50: Playful at the Parade – Attending a Christmas parade
- Day 51: The Play’s the Thing – Going to the theatre
- Day 52: Playing with Children – Lego with kids
- Day 53: Recording a Forest Walk on a Stick – Making a journey stick
- Day 54: Writing a wrong – Writing fiction
- Day 55: Podcasting the night away – Recording a podcast (about play!)
- Day 56: Sliding out of Movember – Personal grooming for amusement
- Day 57: Gone swimmin’ for my 100 days of play – Swimming
- Day 58: Hunting for treasure (and/or frogs) – Finding objects hidden in the house
- Day 59: A deer went to the shop… – Word games
- Day 60: How does your garden grow? – Gardening
- Day 61: Playing with dough – Making (and playing with) play-doh
- Day 62: A wine tasting by post game – Wine-tasting
- Day 63: Playing traditional games – Chess
- Day 64: Escape to a Cyan world – Computer gaming
- Day 65: Punk rock carols – Listening to alternative carols
- Day 66: Geo-caching for the win! – Geo-caching (GPS treasure hunt)
- Day 67: Going straight towards disturbing play – Alternative reality games
- Day 68: Playing with our future robot overlords – Remote-control robots
- Day 69: Cheese fail; cheese success! – Cheesy dinner party
- Day 70: If I were up to me I’d sleep in the woods – Making a forest shelter
- Day 71: Flipping the book – Making a flipbook
- Day 72: Choosing my own adventure – Choose your own adventure puzzle book
- Day 73: A winter’s night’s storytelling – Telling stories
- Day 74: Making mellow mallows – Making marshmallows
- Day 75: Science experiment fun – Mentos / Diet Cola rockets

- Day 76: Colouring in for mindfulness and play – Colouring-in
- Day 77: Down the longest, tallest slide! – Riding a (big) slide
- Day 78: Bouncy bouncy trampoline! – Trampolining
- Day 79: Inventing a game of my own – Making up a game
- Day 80: Giving the gift of… gifts! – Gift-giving
- Day 81: …at dreidel we shall play – Dreidel (game with spinning top)
- Day 82: Playing in a virtual world – Experience VR
- Day 83: Play to make the car journey go faster – Car games
- Day 84: Take a hike! – Hiking
- Day 85: A mysterious murder – Murder Mystery
- Day 86: Playing Hide and Seek – Hide and seek
- Day 87: The most boring jigsaw ever? – Doing a jigsaw
- Day 88: When I’m blowing bubbles… – Blowing bubbles
- Day 89: Finally getting to play pinball – Pinball
- Day 90: Powered paper aeroplanes – Making paper aeroplanes
- Day 91: Ice skating away my cares – Ice skating
- Day 92: Alphabetising books for play – Sorting objects into their places
- Day 93: Enjoying sweaty Turkish delight – Turkish baths
- Day 94: An afternoon at the Museum of Childhood – Visiting a museum
- Day 95: Rain… come again on washing day – Washing the car
- Day 96: Digging for buried historic treasure – Bottle-digging
- Day 97: Playing with Fire – Making a fire
- Day 98: Playing with soggy animals – Visiting the zoo
- Day 99: Touring the street art scene – Photography / street art tour
- Day 100: A Final Escape from my 100 Days of Play – Escape room
- Bonus play: A London Treasure Hunt – Urban treasure hunt