What is 100 Days of Play?

by | Oct 5, 2016 | 100 Days Of Play | 4 comments

Play starts today!

It’s #WorldSmileDay today. What could be a more perfect day to start my 100 Days of Play?

From today, I’m going to find a different type of play every day for the next one hundred, in order to explore play, find my own play, and learn about the different forms of play that make themselves available to us if we are only open to them.

Why Play?

As I hope you’ll have seen from the website, I believe that play is vitally important for living a balanced life, with humanity threaded through your experience of the universe. Without play life is dry and out of touch with the world around us. By reconnecting with our play – and, yes, taking ourselves a bit less seriously – we can be kinder, fuller, happier, more rounded beings.

I also believe that connecting to play is about connecting to our core being – the ‘inner pilot light’ that directs our intuition in the direction of our values. How can we expect to do work or participate in relationships that reflect our values if we are constantly resisting doing what we find fun?

100 different types of play?

I’ve been asked whether it’s really plausible that there are 100 different types of play. I say definitely. Some might not strike you as the most playful, fun, or the sort of things you’d want to do for play. That’s fine. That’s exploration!

‘Play’ – resisting any definition

Wittgenstein discussed how the concept of a ‘game’ resists any definition. If you think of something that might be the essence of a game:

  • having a goal; 
  • competing with an opponent; 
  • being played with physical objects; 
  • being fun; 
  • diverting yourself from the world around you 

– you can always find a counter example.

I think the same is probably true with Play (though I’m not suggesting that the only sort of play is playing a game!). In the next 100 days I want to explore play in all its forms. Whether it’s scary play or boring play, unbounded play or play that isn’t fun.

What are the bounds of play, what are the edge cases, and what does it mean to be fully immersed in play?

Come and play with me

There will be some solo play. And there will be some play that happens only in my head. But for the most part I’ll be playing out in the world, and I’d love for you to join me. There’s a calendar on the main page of the website, so if anything grabs you, get in touch with the form below it, and we’ll find a way to play together!

Plus if you have any great ideas for play that I’ve missed, I’m open to every possible suggestion.

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